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June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, a crucial time dedicated to highlighting the unique mental health challenges faced by men.

From June 10-16, we also observe International Men’s Health Week, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness and encouraging men to seek help for their mental health concerns.

Despite the progress in mental health advocacy, there remains a significant stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Societal expectations often discourage men from expressing their emotions or seeking support, which can lead to untreated mental health issues. Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month serves as a reminder that mental health is just as important as physical health, and it is essential for men to feel empowered to seek help.

At Social Model Recovery Systems (SMRS), we are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment services to individuals dealing with substance use and mental health issues. With 11 locations across Los Angeles County, we offer a range of programs designed to meet the diverse needs of our community. Our treatment services include residential, outpatient, and day treatment programs, ensuring that everyone can find the support they need in a setting that works best for them.

Understanding the unique challenges faced by men, SMRS offers specialized programs tailored to their needs. Omni Center is our dedicated program for men, providing a supportive environment focused on addressing substance use disorders. Omni Center offers Withdrawal Management, Incidental Medical Services (IMS), and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). While it does not provide mental health services, the Omni Center’s comprehensive approach to substance use treatment is designed to promote long-term recovery and wellness.

SMRS is committed to making mental health care accessible to everyone. We are in-network with major insurance companies and accept MediCal, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent individuals from receiving the care they need. Our programs are designed to be inclusive, with specific offerings for men, women (including women with children), adolescents, and the LGBTQ+ community.

During Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage all men to take the first step towards improving their mental health. Whether it’s reaching out to a friend, seeking professional help, or simply starting a conversation about mental health, every step counts. At SMRS, we are here to support you on your journey to recovery and wellness.

For more information about our treatment programs and services, please call our CARE center at 877-507-6242.

Together, we can break the stigma and promote mental health for all.

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