Staff and residents celebrated Denim Day at the park under the direction of Melanie Arellano, Los Angeles Regional Director.

Denim Day is an international awareness campaign that began in Italy in 1999, in response to a rape case in which the perpetrator was acquitted because the judge believed that the victim’s tight jeans indicated that she had consented to the sexual act. The following day, female lawmakers wore jeans to the Italian Parliament in protest, and the Denim Day campaign was born.
Mariposa, Royal Palms, and Omni Center staff and residents wear denim to show their support for survivors of sexual assault and to raise awareness about the issue. This can include wearing denim jeans, a denim jacket, or any other denim clothing item.
Denim Day has become an annual campaign held on the last Wednesday in April, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, to raise awareness about sexual assault and the misconceptions and victim-blaming that often surround it.
On this day, people share their photos on social media while wearing denim, along with the hashtag #DenimDay, to raise awareness about the campaign and to encourage others to participate.
Many organizations and communities hold events on Denim Day, such as marches, rallies, and panel discussions.
By participating in Denim Day, we can help raise awareness about sexual assault and show support for survivors.