Thanksgiving is approaching. This holiday is time to focus on gratitude, but for some people, it could be a difficult time.
A lot of people are experiencing mental health crisis and this holiday can trigger anxiety, depression, or loneliness. Holidays can cause a lot of stress like holiday blues, holiday spending, or some may just lose their loved ones.
Plan ahead to combat seasonal stress by recognizing what you feel. Those feelings are just normal. It happens to the best of us, and it is ok. It is important to acknowledge how you feel and find someone you trust to talk to.
Always practice gratitude and be thankful for what you have. In many studies, people who practice gratitude tend to be happier and less depressed.
As humans, we spend too much time focusing on what we don’t’ have and forget to be grateful for what we already have. Gratitude helps us appreciate people and things more.
Practicing “gratitude” helps train our brain to be more sensitive to the experience of gratitude down the line, and this can help improve our mental health over time.
The simple act of expressing gratitude on a consistent basis has been shown to positively impact key areas in a person’s life including relationships and connectedness, emotional well-being, and physical health.
Gratitude helps people connect to something larger than themselves whether to other people, nature, or a higher power. In the process of expressing a thankful appreciation for those tangible and intangible things received, very often people recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside of themselves. It can help people to become more social and develop deeper and healthier relationships, which in turn can improve their emotional support.

Gratitude blocks negative emotions, promotes self-worth, and fosters resiliency.
From Social Model Recovery Systems, we hope you can celebrate “Thanksgiving” in a way that feels comfortable, safe, and affirming. For confidential support & treatment options if you or someone you know needs help, call 877-50-SOCIAL or 877-507-6242.