After 36 years of anticipation, on October 1ST, Social Model Recovery Systems finally launched Social Model Recovery Systems University onboarding process, the agency’s very first onboarding program.

The onboarding program is led by the newly appointed Director of Education and Training, Denise Hernandez. The two-week onboarding process consisted of welcoming our newest team members to our agency’s mission and culture.
Social Model Recovery Systems believes that it is important to give them insights into the company culture and their role as an employee.
As part of onboarding process, new employees have a chance to connect to the work culture, get to know peers and managers, and to get the first impression of the organization. Though it may not seem like it, an effective onboarding process may tip the scales largely in the agency’s favor.

When employees understand their jobs and skills better, they are more likely to be more productive and will add meaningful value to the agency. Therefore, the employee onboarding process is important to help employees feel valued and motivated. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about the new employees and the skills they have.
During the onboarding process, our newest team members received swag bags, several continuing education units, and an intimate introduction to each team member at the main office. They also received one-on-one training on: Motivational Interviewing, LIVE First Aid/AED/CPR, Medication Management, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, how to navigate Sage, CPI, review of monthly supervisions, performance evaluations, introduction and access to Relias, Care Coordination, Levels of Care, HIPAA vs. 42CFR Part 2, Professional Boundaries, Incident Report’s, Telephone Etiquette/Phone shop, Adult Screening Tool, Clinical Documentation, and so much more.
Employees who feel motivated during the process would want to contribute more to the agency’s success. The right mentoring, guidance, and making them understand the agency’s core beliefs from the very start will improve their quality of work and will allow them to add value to the company.

Social Model Recovery Systems University believes an intimate, two-week training will not only acclimate our newest team members to the agency’s mission and culture, but it will also assist in laying a strong foundation that will be easier to build long-term team member engagement, as well as improving productivity and team member retention.
We are excited to continue the onboarding process and to welcome Anabel Perez (Bimini), Annabelle Capristo-Reyes (River Wellness), and Ryan Hammer (Bimini) to our team.
We are so excited you are here!