Staff and Residents of Social Model Recovery Systems joined forces to support NAMIWalks Your Way 2022 together with different organizations in Los Angeles County.
Everyone gathered in Grand Park Los Angeles on May 21, Saturday, to raise awareness and funds to provide support and education to our community.
NAMI stands for National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for Americans affected by mental illness.
There were an estimated 18 million cancer cases around the world, but did you know that there are almost a billion people with Mental Health Issues that we don’t know about. The reason we don’t hear conversation about mental illness is because people are not comfortable talking about that certain topic.
Lack of education, knowledge, and awareness are some of the reasons we don’t really hear about mental health illness as well. Most people who have this problem are unaware that they have a problem and that they are already experiencing symptoms of mental illness.
NAMI has thousands of trained volunteers all over United States that help communities to increase awareness, education, support groups, and trainings.