On Wednesday, May 18, Bimini staff and residents went to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to celebrate International Museum Day.

The goal was for the residents to have a cultural exchange, understand the enrichment of cultures, development of mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among one another.
Since 1977, museums all over the world invited to participate in International Museum Day to promote the role of museums in history.
Museums are defined as non-profit, permanent institutions in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates, and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study, and enjoyment.
Many residents stated that they hadn’t been to a museum before and were thankful that they were able to experience and visit one. One resident even stated, “I can have a great time, clean and sober. This was a great experience and I hope we do more things like this.”
We may live in a technology-driven society but sometimes we need to disconnect to connect to the real world. There are some research that says “Children become less creative because technology does the thinking for them.” So go out there, connect with people, and have some fun. Technology and social media shouldn’t be a distraction, instead, it should help us grow and deepen our relationships with others.