Social Model Recovery Systems was recently awarded a grant to address Stimulant Use Disorder in communities of color who have been negatively impacted by the War on Drugs.
A Peer Specialist will be joining our team at Mid Valley Outpatient to improve participant engagement and connections with culturally mindful community resources. We are grateful for this new opportunity and are excited to bring additional recovery support to our participants.
This grant is supported by the MAT Access Points Project, which is funded through the Department of Health Care Services California MAT Expansion Project and is administered by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.
The MAT Access Points Project is funding a network of organizations throughout California to address the opioid crisis by supporting prevention, education, stigma reduction, treatment and recovery services for people with opioid use disorder and substance use disorder, and by increasing access to Medication-Assisted Treatment. $9.93 million was awarded to 55 community-based organizations throughout the state for prevention, education, and stigma reduction efforts focused on communities of color and other communities disproportionately impacted by Opioid Use Disorder and criminalization of Substance Use Disorder.
For anyone interested in this Peer Specialist position, please look in our “Employment” tab for more information.